Why I Decided to Self-Publish My Book

Choosing to self-publish my book was a no-brainer.  Why?  Because I'm incredibly impatient. That's not to say I wanted my work out there as soon as I was done with it.  Of course I want it to be the best it can be, but that is why I got people who I knew would be … Continue reading Why I Decided to Self-Publish My Book

Excerpt from Standing By

Hey everyone!  It's getting close to the holidays, so it's been busy for all of us I'm sure. Anyway, in the midst of all the Christmas shopping and other festivities, I thought it would be fun to share a tiny excerpt from my book, Standing By.  I was recently flipping through the pages of the … Continue reading Excerpt from Standing By

Writing Tools

Hello friends of the book world! If you're anything like me, you probably wonder what the writing process is like or what tools your favorite writers use.  I'm always researching new tools to help with my productivity since there are always new ones coming out that are more advanced than others.  So I thought that … Continue reading Writing Tools

On Fanfiction

Fanfiction writing is something that either gets people excited, makes them cringe, or they just look at you confused.  However, I'm going to assume that most people know what I'm talking about (and if you don't, fanfiction is generally stories of movies/books/tv shows that are written by fans; hence, fanfiction). A few years ago I … Continue reading On Fanfiction